Is there any possibility for humidity or extremely weather conditions to cause problems to Decostone?

Decostones are highly resistant to frost and corrosive environments such as acid rain and NaCl. Special attention should be paid to the uniform application of the adhesive on the surfaces of Decostones and the substrate in order to not leave gaps, which may potentially result in unwanted detachments in freezing conditions.

By |2016-07-11T13:55:01+02:00July 11th, 2016||0 Comments

What materials are used for tilling Decostone and for the joints?

The materials proposed by Mathios Refractories SA are the mortar Mat Build and tile adhesives Extra Stone Glue and Easy Glue. In cases, where increased adhesion, elasticity, or flexibility is required, we recommend mixing mortar and tile adhesive with plasticiser emulsion as a partial substitute for water. For grouting, we suggest the Mat Build mortar [...]

By |2016-07-11T13:52:21+02:00July 11th, 2016||0 Comments
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